Skadarlija Belgrade Bohemian Quarter

Once the home of many Serbian poets, writers, artists, and actors, the cobble-stoned Skadarlija (or Skadarska) street today hosts some of the best restaurants in Belgrade, all of which strive to preserve bohemian traditions from the early 19th century. Definitely the place to go if you want to get a feel of the atmosphere of Belgrade's old times, cruise art galleries, shop for antiques or souvenirs, or taste the best of local food.

Our favorite restaurants in Skadarlija are listed in the Restaurants section. Make sure to order some music with your dinner and wine. It will come in the form of real live musicians at your table, playing 19th century Serbian ballads - you will be charged for it through your bill, but it is well worth it.

Skadarlija Skadarlija Belgrade Skadarska Street Boheiman Quarter Skadarlija Restaurant Skadarilja Restaurants Skadarilja Skadarilja Skadarilja Belgrade Skadarilja Skadarilja Skadarilja Skadarilja


If you want unforgettable sightseeing cruise, please visit the Belgrade River Cruise section.

If you want to rent a boat, please visit the Private Charters section.

