Little Bay - Belgrade Restaurant

If one uses price/quality as a benchmark for comparison this is definitely one of the best restaurants in Belgrade. It is a part of famous British restaurant chain and provides unique meals coupled with really efficient services. Some of the most popular meals are fillet of sole and salmon but if you are really into fish - taste profiterole with seafood as you will smile after this tasty yet very cheap meal.
If you like heavier food - the restaurant offers variety of extraordinary and unique tastes ranging from chicken liver and celery puree all the way to beef carpaccio and of course the specialty - lamb with eggplants and grilled vegetables. For desert there are many different options but we suggest you try white chocolate mousse with strawberry syrup - the best one I tried in Belgrade. The prices range from 3-6 euro per meal - which makes it the cheapest restaurant in the city of Belgrade. The location is great (just next to the Republic Square) and probably the only problem is if you are coming by car - since it is hard to find the parking space as this is also the busiest part of Belgrade.
Recommended for: anybody who wants delicious food and outstanding service at very favorable rates.
Featured meals from Restaurant menu
Main course:
- 7 Eur - tandoori chicken
- 5,5 Eur - grilled vegetables with warm tomato dressing and polenta
- 4 Eur - chocolate souffle
- 1 Eur - couvert (serviette, bread, butter)
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