Srpski Srpski

Belgrade Restaurants

Sta je tu je - Belgrade Restaurant

Address: Cara Dusana 18, 11000 Belgrade
Location: Center - next to Strahinjica Bana
Telephone:(+381 11) 2910629
Open: 10-01 h

Our Rating:

Restaurant Description

This Belgrade restaurant has very interesting, traditional rural interior. It is the place which will show you how Serbia was, in its natural beauty, furniture made of real wood, handmade carpets, as well as national dresses placed on the walls which are older than 200 years.

This restaurant does not have standard menu as each meal is tailored to the wishes of guests. The menu of this restaurant is real old Serbian food, prepared by one of the best chefs in the city at really below average prices. This Serbian ethno restaurant has 5 basic meals (all old Serbian meals) which are then adjusted to your needs.

As a starter we recommend Serbian plate which typically includes: Cheese, Kajmak (Serbian soft cheese), beef and porn prosciutto, all prepared and dried in smaller village farms (this is real meat without any additives) 

Several types of soups, cabbage meals, sarma, lamb, beef, proja, white proja, domestic bread, are some of the most commonly served meals, however this restaurant has much more to offer. All meals are prepared in pottery and earth ware.

Excellent for: This is smaller, cozy Belgrade restaurant and we recommend this place to everyone who wants to taste real Serbian food, in the center of the city at reasonable prices.

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If you want to find more information please call the following phone number (+381 11) 2910629 or or visit the restaurant website.

To see more restaurants in Belgrade please click here.

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